Cranworth Gardens, London

Cranworth Gardens, London

External Repair and Redecoration

Ian Bridge Consultancy Limited was appointed, on recommendation, by the Freehold Management Company of a block of Victorian Flats in South London to manage and contract administer an external repair and redecoration contract to the block. The management company had already approached a building contractor whose work they had witnessed on an adjoining site and were impressed by. The contractor had produced a comprehensive Schedule of Rates for the external repair and redecoration work to the property.

Ian Bridge Consultancy’s first action was to inspect the property with the contractor’s recommended works schedule in hand to ratify and validate that the work descriptions were appropriate and justified. With only one or two exceptions, the schedule prepared by the contractor was found to be a true reflection of the building’s condition. Similarly, the prices offered by the contractor upon interrogation by Ian Bridge Consultancy were found to be fair and reasonable.

We then let a formal building contract to the contractor for a fixed price to do the work and contract administer the works on site which were completed on time and to budget.

  • Date 14th November 2019
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